Director: Miha Golob (Slovenia)
Playwright: Mojca Ređko (Slovenia)
Set design: Jelena Stojanović (Serbia) and Miha Golob
Costume design: Dajana Ljubičić (Slovenia)
Assistant Director: Marijana Petrović

Photography: Lidija Antonović


Tatjana Piper Stanković
Lana Adžić
Maja Jovanović Spasojević
Miloš Anđelković
Mladen Vuković

Premiere date: 8 December 2022

Age: 3-5
Duration: 35'
Аuthor: Miha Golob
Stage: Children Stage

This is a story about the visible and the invisible, the tangible and the intangible, the audible and the inaudible.
A story told through pictures and movement about discovering the world around us by creating a world in imagination.
A game where those two worlds merge and become life.
The game is important for all children and for all adults.



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Мила Машовић-Николић, Узраст 5+